“Catfish keep getting bigger and bigger!” [Read more…]
Little Free Library
Spreading Library love right out of the front yard. [Read more…]
Contagious Joy
Mary is a grocery store checker how spreads love at the cash register. [Read more…]
Pin-It or Pitch-It? DIY Leaf Stamped Napkins
Using leaves for craft projects is one way to capture the beauty of autumn! I hit Pinterest to find an easy, DIY project to bring fall to my dinner table.
I found a blog tutorial from All Things G&D that uses leaves as stamps to decorate a tablecloth or napkin.

Via AllThings G&D
Here’s what you need:
Craft Paint
Rolling Pin
Paper Towel
First things first, step outside and pick some leaves! Turn it over so the more veiny side is facing up. Apply paint sparingly and practice on a paper towel or sample fabric. (a little paint goes a long way!)
Turn leaf over and carefully position it on your cloth napkin however you’d like it. I bought “flour sack” dish towels at Target… (I like the oversized napkins). Place a paper towel over the leaf and firmly roll over your leaf with a rolling pin
Lift.. and you’re done!
Martha Stewart-like crafts in no time! Let me know how your leaf crafts turn out and read the full tutorial here!
The Joyful Face of Reasor’s
Whether you’ve had a bad day or you’re running late, going to the grocery store for supplies isn’t always an exhilarating experience. UNLESS- you land in Mary’s check-out line. Mary is the reason a lot of people shop at the Reasor’s on 15th and Lewis and she always brings a smile to my face! From “BABY!” to “Twinkle Toes”, Mary’s colorful language has a way of making you feel calm and relaxed in an otherwise rushed situation.
I spoke with many Reasor’s employees and shoppers, they all agree. Mary’s sweet nature and joy for life is INFECTIOUS! Want to learn a thing or two about living each day to the fullest? Pay Mary a visit.
Bishline Acoustic Academy
The banjo isn’t exactly a chick-magnet, it’s more like a chick repellent”, jokes Rob Bishline. Nothing can phase Rob and his love for banjos, he was bitten by the “banjo bug” years ago! Rob was just a little boy when he saved his lawn mowing money to start his life-long career of playing, teaching and building banjos. These banjos are truly works of art and he sells these treasures all over the world!